Becker's Float & Sink Set
Product Detail
FCCERS-R: Nature/science 3.1 - Some pictures, books, games, or toys that represent nature realistically appropriate for each age group to use (Ex. nonfrightening posters showing real animals; realistic toy animals for younger children; nature/science magazines for school-agers).
FCCERS-R: Nature/science 7.3 - Nature/science activities requiring more input from provider are offered for preschoolers and school-agers at least once every 2 weeks (Ex. cooking; simple experiments like measuring rainfall; sprouting and planting seeds).
ECERS-3: Nature/science 3.3 - Sand or water, with appropriate toys, is accessible for at least 25 minutes during the observation.
ECERS-3: Nature/science 7.1 - Staff initiate activities for measuring, comparing, or sorting using nature/science materials (Ex: show children how to sort seashells by color, shape, or size; arrange pinecones from biggest to smallest; chart rainfall for a month to discuss dry and wet times; predict weights of various natural objects).
- Ages 3+
- shells, river rocks, corks, styrofoam balls, wood cubes, and more