Becker's Toddler Dress-Up Storage
Product Detail
ITERS-3: Furniture for routine care and play 5.2 - Furniture supports self-help for older infants, toddler, and older children (steps at sink; low open shelves for accessible toy storage)
FCCERS-R: Furniture for routine care, play, and learning 5.3 - Furniture promotes self-help as needed (Ex. steps near sink; special chair for child with physical disability; low open shelves for accessible toy storage; special storage accessible only to school-agers).
FCCERS-R: Dramatic play 5.3 - Materials are organized by type for independent use (Ex. play dishes in separate container; dolls stored together; dress-up hats and purses hung on pegs; accessories stored with toy buildings).
ITERS-3: Dramatic play 5.3 - A dramatic play interest center for toddlers and twos is used, contain materials organized by type and some child-sized play furniture.
- 30"W x 18"D x 30"H
- Birch plywood
- Fully assembled with tubs included
- Made in the USA
- Lifetime warranty