Thank a Teacher During Teacher Appreciation Week
Teacher Appreciation Week is dedicated to those who spend countless hours teaching and caring for children at all educational levels. Traditionally, Teacher Appreciation Week is the first full week of May. Teacher Appreciation Day is also referred to as Provider Appreciation Day.
During Teacher Appreciation Week we are encouraged to honor and show appreciation for teachers of all levels. Can you really thank a teacher enough, though? Sadly, early childhood educators are severely underpaid and rarely have enough resources, making appreciation that much more important!
Although “teacher” refers specifically to the person who teaches and cares for children five days a week for seven to eight hours a day in a school setting, early childhood educators and care providers are also teachers. Not to diminish the teaching profession, we are all teachers. Parents are a child’s first teacher, we have teachers in every aspect of our lives not just in school. They are everywhere we look. We don’t know where a teacher’s influence ends, our immediate impact is not often obvious.
This Teacher Appreciation Week ask, what can we do beyond the 5 days? It is important to appreciate teachers all year-long; everyone can let teachers know how much they appreciate what they do for children, day in and day out. If you are a parent reach out to your child’s teacher and let them know what influence they have. If you are a teacher reach out to another teacher and appreciate them. Contact a teacher who has made a difference in your life. This action has a ripple effect which never ends.
This week and every week thank you for being a teacher!